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Every page, including contents pages, is charged at 22p (older chapters first published before 2017 at 20p)

There is an additional charge of £0.70 for each spiral bound chapter or booklet bound chapter.

Postage and packing is charged approximately at cost plus £1.  (The cost will include a 'Signed-for' delivery fee).

The prices of batches of chapters appear in the Shop.  Prices of individual chapters are listed in the downloadable Price/Contents list.

In the shop you will be asked to enter the appropriate p&p as if it were a sales item because the website creator does not include a facility to do so otherwise. The p&p will be banded to reflect different delivery rates, and the appropriate band should be chosen based on the total cost of the order excluding p&p.

Charged at 25% of loose-leaf printed versions plus material and p&p. The digital files will be in pdf format and dispatched on a CD.

P&p is the same for all orders, whatever their size.

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